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Annual and Life memberships are available to all active, separated and retired commissioned and warrant officers of the National Guard. Enlisted guardsmen, guard family members and supporters are encouraged to join NVNGA as Associated Members.


Your Member benefits for individuals include: 


  • Representation on Capitol Hill fighting for your benefits

  • Access to exclusive professional development opportunities

  • Opportunities to apply for scholarships

  • Insurance supplements designed for members of the National Guard

  • A monthly subscription to National Guard magazine

  • Exclusive access to articles and legislative analysis

  • Fellowship through social functions, benefit programs, and other activities for NVNGA members and their families


You serve and protect us. Please take a moment and explore the the benefits below, you'll be surprised how many companies provide discounts and support to NGAUS members.

Additional Benefits


Find your Nevada National Guard Association overview of benefits below.

For more questions or details please feel free to contact us.

NVNGA Member Insurance (SSLI)

  • Our association provides a no cost $1,000 death benefit for all active guard members as long as they complete the application process.

  • Our Basic life insurance policy provides affordable term life insurance coverage for the entire Family in the amounts of $5,000 to $50,000.  Premiums are payroll deducted. All you have to do is answer a few short health questions. Coverage available for the entire family.

  • In addition, our Enhanced life insurance policy provides affordable term life insurance for Soldiers, Airmen, and spouse.  Coverage amounts are available $50,000 increments up to a maximum of $400,000 of coverage.


College Scholarships

  • Current Active Life Members or dependents of Active Life members are eligible for the AFBA NGAUS Scholarship worth $5,000.


Tricare Reserve Select Benefits

  • The National Guard Association worked on behalf of its members to obtain Tricare benefits for all National Guard and Reserve Soldiers and Airmen.  This benefit provides access to quality health care for Guard and Reserve members at a deeply discounted and subsidized monthly fee.  We are also working to provide this benefit to Technicians.


Professional Development

  • Networking with peers and leaders within the NV National Guard.

  • Association membership is an excellent way to supplement your resume.  Memberships convey to your employer that you are dedicated to your field of study.

  • Enhancement of career opportunities within the NV National Guard


NVNGA In-State Tuition Waiver

  • The NVNG has worked with the legislature to provide NVNG members tuition free education at NSHE schools.

  • The NGANV has worked with the legislature to provide the in-state school tuition waiver to a dependent of a member of the NVNG. See your education services representative for more information.


college assistance
in-state tuition
pro dev


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P.O. Box 3936

Carson City, NV 89702

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